On stage at the Music Hall of Williamsburg
Storytelling has been a lifelong pursuit. Every time I believe I've found my voice, I discover new ways to think about what I have to say and how I want to say it. That's the joy and surprise of storytelling - we come to understand our constantly shifting place in the world through our personal stories. As we evolve, so do the tales we tell.
I began my storytelling journey in high school speech and debate, an activity I continued to coach and compete in at the college level. It was in speech and debate that I refined the skills I still use every day when performing and coaching. In addition to performance, I have published both fiction and nonfiction, was the prose editor of Harmony: A Medical Humanities Journal, and spent a year as a fiction-writing fellow.
Eight years ago, while completing my residency in emergency medicine in NYC, I discovered a thriving local community of raconteurs, and once again felt the thrill of connection that happens when people share great stories. Behind the microphone, I became more than just a writer or a stressed-out, sleep deprived physician. I became myself.
Take control of your narrative. Take control of your life. I look forward to helping you experience the joy that comes from finding your voice.